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Popularity of Lithuanian graphic design is on the rise in Scandinavian countries :: Gamadigi


Popularity of Lithuanian graphic design is on the rise in Scandinavian countries

2014/01/30 (11 years ago) by Julija Moisenko

Lithuania becomes more attractive for Scandinavian investitors. According to Finnish businessman Antti Leskinen, country’s companies and specialists offer creative and high quality services. Graphic design and IT are spheres that attract the most investors.

Communication is the corner stone

When asked why he chose to invest in Lithuania, Finn Antti Leskinen who holds share of the graphic communication company “Gamadigi” was frank: “Our company analyzed adjacent markets and Lithuania appeared to be an attractive country because of the favorable conditions and supply of specialists,” – explained the businessman.

Communication and collaboration with Lithuanian entrepreneurs and specialists is a great pleasure for A. Leskinen. He emphasized that Lithuanians have a good sense of humor, which is excellent icebreaker in business. The businessman also found similarities with Finns: plain and straightforwardly talking with no hidden references. “That is what Finns enjoy the most: plain and clear communication style. We follow the principles and value those partial to this trait,” – Finn said.

Businessman from Finland noted that Lithuanian specialists of graphic design are ahead of Finns: “Lithuanians are more creative, while Finns are minimalistic and conservative. Designers in Lithuania are bursting with ideas probably because of traditions of Lithuanian visual narrative,” – opened up A. Leskinen.

Graphic design specialist Lukas Žuklys, who just came back from internship in Finland confirmed the words of businessman.

“I received a warm welcome from Finns. They are a bit conservative but polite and tolerant. I learned from them to present visual message in a more minimalistic and concrete way. Scandinavians like simplicity and comfort in communication. Such tendencies are relevant in Lithuania as well, however, we think a bit more creatively here,“ – says L. Žuklys.

Companies from Lithuania should also show initiative

CEO of digital design company “Gamadigi” Julija Moisenko believes that partnership with foreign countries can be beneficial in the context of successful investing.

„Various opportunities for development, increasing competitiveness and staff qualification as well as organizing internships emerge while collaborating with foreign countries. Experience is also gained and can later be applied in Lithuania,” – told J. Moisenko.

Share holder of “Gamadigi” does not hesitate investing in Lithuanian company: “It is not only the question of profit but also a great opportunity to explore different culture, different life perspective, meet new people. As everywhere in life, it is the outcome of well executed work: big efforts give good outcomes”.

J. Moisenko emphasizes that partnership with Finnish company is the result of hard work – it is important to be proactive in searching foreign investors.

“Companies must look for contacts and highlight the benefits they would provide. Of course, you can easily meet investors in start-up conferences. It is a new space investors like to visit and where specialists show their potential,” – Julija shared her experience.

Success of investment depends on knowledge about other cultures

Understanding different culture and its’ communication aspects is crucial when dealing with foreign investors. “Choosing partners that are easy to communicate with is important. These are companies having similar values, using familiar work technologies and programs. Then you can reach the best results,” – J. Moisenko stated.

A. Leskinen laughs and says that everything can be learned on the internet. Though in every country it is important to act by the manners of the country: act as Lithuanian in Lithuania.

“Working with foreign specialists is a priceless experience. I say this not only for Lithuanians, but also to my partners who look at Eastern European countries with mistrust.“- stated A. Leskinen.

“Understanding traditions of particular country allows to start and to maintain new business contacts. It becomes essential when working from distance,” – agrees J. Moisenko.

CEO of “Gamadigi” says that collaboration with foreign countries will be one of the priorities in the future.

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Julija Moisenko

Julija has gained her degrees in Business organization, marketing, sales and communication management, during her studies in Lithuania, Sweden and Estonia. She has more than a nine year working experience in online and offline marketing communication field focusing on Scandinavian and Baltic markets. She speaks English and Russian, and currently continues her Swedish languages studies. Julija is interesting in mountaineering during her free-time.

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